Association of participants in the construction market of the woodworking industry of Ukraine
Consolidation of the production and scientific potential of Ukrainian producers of wooden houses, and architects to create opportunities for the development of a sustainable and innovative industry
Subjectivization of the industry through a dialogue with the government and businesses to replace imports and energy-efficient solutions
Creation of a sustainable global brand UKRAINIAN WOODEN HOUSES CLUSTER, as a partner in the implementation of the world's best architectural projects made of wood
Latest UWHC news
About us
We created the cluster to address issues such as supporting the Ukrainian economy and a sustainable future based on the SDGs. Thanks to the cooperation of more than 100 wooden house manufacturers, we will be able to implement large-scale reconstruction projects together. The total production and assembly capacity of the industry currently amounts to more than 25,000 m2 of finished buildings.

brings together participants of the construction market of the woodworking industry in Ukraine who seek to jointly address the issues of rebuilding the country, introducing innovations in the industry, and developing the export of wooden houses to the European and global markets.
Our priorities
A separate goal is to change Ukrainian construction standards to European ones, which will make it possible to build multi-storey buildings in Ukraine.
Our main priorities in the cluster's work are to implement projects to restore and build infrastructure, develop exports, and establish external relations.
Our mission
  • strengthening the production potential of the Cluster members
  • Increasing their competitiveness
  • access to the European and global markets
  • effective implementation of investment, innovative and energy-efficient construction projects

More than 100 companies producing wooden houses will be able to implement large-scale projects to rebuild Ukraine.
Areas of activity
Increasing exports of products
We are actively involved in rebuilding Ukraine's infrastructure
Cooperation and implementation of joint projects with European clusters, enterprises, and international funds. Establishment of international partnerships and joint ventures
Legislative initiatives
Adapting Ukrainian building standards to the European level: opening up opportunities for multi-storey construction of wooden houses
Promoting more sustainable and environmentally friendly production processes and products
Circular economy
Grants and investments
Attracting grants and investments to rebuild Ukraine, develop the industry and cluster members
What does membership give you?
Good question! Here are the main benefits of UWHC membership:
  1. Receiving more orders through domestic and export projects
  2. Consolidation of production capacities of industry participants is aimed at solving large-scale tasks, such as signing large contracts and cooperating with countries within the framework of Ukraine Recovery projects.
  3. Cooperation, local and international sustainable partnerships
  4. Obtaining investments and implementing innovations in the industry
  5. Dialogue with the government to address common industry issues
  6. Unified quality standards and healthy competition
  7. Participation in international exhibitions and events, promotion of the international brand "UKRAINIAN WOODEN HOUSES CLUSTER" as a sustainable and reliable partner
  8. Improving the quality of production through the exchange of resources and knowledge
  9. Creation of new jobs
  10. Contribution to the economy of Ukraine
Our services
- Monitoring and preparation of grant applications
- Monitoring and preparation of the company for participation in tenders
- Support for cooperation
- Support and promotion of projects at the community, city, and national level
- Attracting investments
Business growth
Market analysis and marketing
- Analysis of the Ukrainian market
- Analysis of foreign markets
- Analysis of competitors
- Development of marketing strategy
- Brand development
- Assortment development
- Pricing of the product
- Advertising and product promotion
- Participation in international exhibitions
- Export consulting
- Search for partners, negotiations
- Organization of logistics
- Organization of sales
- Organization of advertising and promotion of products
- Certification of products
- Organization of joint international projects
- Searching for partners and organizing joint ventures and production facilities.
- Attracting international investments
Training and consulting
- Mentoring, trainings and webinars
- Consulting (marketing, export, finance, logistics, certification, etc.)
- Monitoring of grant programs
- Work on preparation for tenders and grants
- Search for investments
- Involvement in government programs
- Smart partnerships

Are you a producer, exporter, investor?

Fill out the form below and learn about the benefits and conditions of participation in the UKRAINIAN WOODEN HOUSES CLUSTER
Cluster Presidium
Founder and CEO of Advanter Group. Member of the boards of directors of the Institute of Digital Transformation and SingularityU Kyiv. CEO of Luniter, an international troubleshooting agency in Central and Eastern Europe.
A serial entrepreneur. The creator of the entrepreneurship support center Diya.Business Odesa. Co-founder of the ZMIST gallery and the Atmosphera construction company. Co-founder and head of research and development at TVT.
Vice-president of the Ukrainian National Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC Ukraine) on international trade. Member of the Council of Exporters and Investors of Ukraine (MFA of Ukraine). Managing partner of Advanter International. Co-founder of the export consolidator Wood Mall.
Our team
Cluster President
Executive Director
Tchaikovsky Alexander
Director of Internationalization and Cooperations
Marina Kuzmenko
Our projects
Check out UWHC's full development plans for 2024, in the following priority areas: construction, exports, legislative initiatives, and grants.
Circular economy
We promote production by reducing our negative impact on the environment and contributing to its preservation. Our operations are based on the use of renewable and recyclable materials, minimizing the use of toxic substances and compensating for environmental damage. The members of our cluster demonstrate a responsible attitude towards the environment, bearing joint responsibility for the restoration of Ukraine's natural resources and preservation of its environment. Our activities are aimed at supporting environmentally friendly production, which is an investment in the future of our customers and future generations.
Ukraine has a huge export and technological potential with a total of more than 70 manufactures of prefabricated wooden houses and CIP panels. Ukraine is dynamically replacing wood from Russia and Belarus, the export of Ukrainian houses is becoming a global trend.
Fact №2
Fact №1
Wood is the main type of the Ukrainian export, occupying the sixth place among all the goods exported by Ukraine. Thus, in 2021 our export of wood and its derivatives amounted to 2.01 billion dollars.
Fact №3
In connection with the international millitary aggression of Russia and Belorus and the economic sanctions imposed against them, the importing countries are constrained to look for new resources of wood and furniture supply.
Fact №4
Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States will face the fact that their own timber products may raise in price due to the loss of suppliers and the need to reorient to new ones.
Market analytics
Get acquainted with the full results of the woodworking market research.
Also, in the presentation you will find an analysis of new opportunities and strategies for Ukraine.
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